SMITH OF HALESOWEN


Submitted by Robert O'Connor of New Zealand

(Contact Robert)




JOHN SMITH, of Halesowen, Salop, England., Born c. 1665.  M c. 1687 Mary (She was mentioned in her husband’s will as “my dear and loving wife Mary Smith” under which she received a life interest in her husband’s “two pieces or parcels of land meadow or pasture ground with their and each of their appurtenances situate & lying & being in the Parish of Halesowen and County of Salop & now in the holding & occupation of William Pooley”, 9 April 1745).  At the baptisms of his children he was recorded in the Halesowen baptismal register as “John Smith of the Town”.  At the marriage of his daughter Sarah he & his wife were recorded in Sarah’s M. Lic. as then living, 12 April 1716.  Will dated 9 April 1745 - in which he was recorded as “John Smith, of Halesowen in the County of Salop, Yeoman” & made provision for his “two pieces or parcels of land meadow or pasture ground with their and each of their appurtenances situate & lying & being in the Parish of Halesowen and County of Salop & now in the holding & occupation of William Pooley”.  Died 1753.  Will Proved at the Consistory Court of Worcester, 11 Dec. 1753.  He had issue:


Will Worc





1.John, of Halesowen.,  Bapt. 14 Sept. 1690 at Halesowen.  Bur. 9 Dec. 1712 at Halesowen - recorded in the burial register as “John Smith Junior of the Town”.



2.William (Capt.), Bapt. 10 March 1692/3 at Halesowen.  He traveled to Virginia, America with his nephew, Rev. Jacob Townshend - their arrival being recorded by Thomas Dawson, the Bishop of London’s commissary in Virginia, America, when Dawson reported to his superior that Rev. Jacob Townshend had arrived in Virginia with “his uncle Capt. Smith”, 15 Nov. 1754.  His nephew Rev. Jacob Townshend brought suit against him in Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, claiming payment of £15, 1 Aug. 1754, which he agreed to pay & which sum he had “received by the hands of the Lords of Treasury to pay his [Townshend’s] passage to Virginia.  During the Stamp Act crisis in the spring of 1766 John Gilchrist, a merchant & ship owner of Norfolk, Virginia accused Smith, then Skipper of a schooner in Norfolk, Virginia, of informing Captain J. Morgan of the ‘Hornet’, a British sloop-of-war riding at anchor in Hampton Roads, of a smuggling incident, a charge which Smith denied.  Nevertheless Smith was captured by Gilchrist & several accomplices, including the mayor of Norfolk, tied behind a cart & taken to the wharf where they “bedaubed [his] body and face all over with tar and afterwards threw feathers upon [him]”.  Then his tormentors paraded Smith “through every street in the town”, while throwing “rotten eggs and stones at him”.  After returning to the wharf they lashed him to a ducking stool & threw him into the water.  He would have perished had not a boat rescued him.  Immediately following this incident reference was made in a letter addressed by Francis Fauquier, Governor of Virginia to the Board of Trade in London dated 7 April 1766 to a letter written by Smith to Captain J. Morgan of the ‘Hornet’ “complaining of extreme ill usage at Norfolk” in response to which the Governor indicated that he intended to refer the matter “to a full Council which I expect to meet on Thursday next, & take their advice what is to be done, & in the mean time have sent Captain Smith to the King’s Attorney”.

Lohrenz, pp 65-67

W&M, XXI, No3, pp 163-171


3.SARAH, of whom we presently.



4.Job, Bapt. 9 Nov. 1698 at Halesowen.



5.Joseph, of London.,  Bapt. 5 Nov. 1703 at Halesowen.  Mentioned in his father’s will as “Joseph Smith of the City of London”, under which he inherited the sum of £5, 9 April 1745.

Father’s will


6.Richard, Bapt. 5 Nov. 1706 at Halesowen.






SARAH SMITH, Bapt. 30 Oct. 1695 at Halesowen.  M Lic. 12 April 1716.  M 12 April 1716 at Stone, Co. Worc. JOSEPH TOWNSHEND, of Halesowen (Bapt, 14 June 1695 at Northfield & Bur. 22 April 1757 at Halesowen).  M Lic. dated 12 April 1716 – in which she was recorded as “Sarah Smith of ye Parish of Halesowen in ye County of Salop & Diocese of Worcester aged 20 years & a maiden”.  Mentioned in her father’s will as “my loving daughter Sarah Townshend wife of Joseph Townshend of Halesowen, Butcher” under which she was appointed sole executrix & under which she received a gift, subject to a life interest in favour of her mother, of her father’s “two pieces or parcels of land meadow or pasture ground with their and each of their appurtenances situate & lying & being in the Parish of Halesowen and County of Salop & now in the holding & occupation of William Pooley”, 9 April 1745.  Bur. 6 Jan. 1761/2 at Halesowen - recorded in the burial register as “Sarah Townshend, widow of ye town”.  She had issue:  (See TOWNSHEND)


M Lic

Father’s will

